Chronic Hope

Why "chronic hope" ? The Free Merriam-Webster dictionary defines chronic as " marked by long duration or frequent recurrence". I named this blog Chronic Hope as it is my intention that this will be a place where hope, encouragement, compassion and understanding will be the heart of this site.

This is a place for people in all parts of the journey of life.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Powerful Inspirational true story...Don't give up!


Lalc said...

Watched this thru tears in my eyes. We hope we'll all have this 'intestinal fortitude' when we're challenged--as some of us are daily. HE didn't LOOSE the race--he just didn't come in first!
Just a reminder to all of us to keep on 'fighting the good fight' and we'll all be winners !!

kardot said...

There are times when "CAN'T" is the word of the day. I need to adopt this man's attitude because the pain I am feeling can't compare to what it must have been like for him.