Chronic Hope

Why "chronic hope" ? The Free Merriam-Webster dictionary defines chronic as " marked by long duration or frequent recurrence". I named this blog Chronic Hope as it is my intention that this will be a place where hope, encouragement, compassion and understanding will be the heart of this site.

This is a place for people in all parts of the journey of life.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

 I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, for ever;
   with my mouth I will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 89:1

Two lovely versions of the great hymn...

A reminder this morning that our days don't depend upon us, how we feel, what we can do, or our own faithfulness-- each day depends upon God's faithfulness...and that is a VERY good thing~

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