Chronic Hope

Why "chronic hope" ? The Free Merriam-Webster dictionary defines chronic as " marked by long duration or frequent recurrence". I named this blog Chronic Hope as it is my intention that this will be a place where hope, encouragement, compassion and understanding will be the heart of this site.

This is a place for people in all parts of the journey of life.


Monday, November 7, 2011


1 -2 God, God! Why did you dump me
      miles from nowhere?
   Doubled up with pain, I call to God
      all the day long. No answer. Nothing.
   I keep at it all night, tossing and turning.

   3 -5 And you! Are you indifferent, above it all,
      leaning back on the cushions of Israel's praise?
   We know you were there for our parents:
      they cried for your help and you gave it;
      they trusted and lived a good life.

   6 -8 And here I am, a nothing—an earthworm,
      something to step on, to squash.
   Everyone pokes fun at me;
      they make faces at me, they shake their heads:
   "Let's see how God handles this one;
      since God likes him so much, let him help him!"

   9 -11 And to think you were midwife at my birth,
      setting me at my mother's breasts!
   When I left the womb you cradled me;
      since the moment of birth you've been my God.
   Then you moved far away
      and trouble moved in next door.
   I need a neighbor.

   12 -13 Herds of bulls come at me,
      the raging bulls stampede,
   Horns lowered, nostrils flaring,
      like a herd of buffalo on the move.

   14 -15 I'm a bucket kicked over and spilled,
      every joint in my body has been pulled apart.
   My heart is a blob
      of melted wax in my gut.
   I'm dry as a bone,
      my tongue black and swollen.
   They have laid me out for burial
      in the dirt.

   16 -18 Now packs of wild dogs come at me;
      thugs gang up on me.
   They pin me down hand and foot,
      and lock me in a cage—a bag
   Of bones in a cage, stared at
      by every passerby.
   They take my wallet and the shirt off my back,
      and then throw dice for my clothes.

   19 -21 You, God—don't put off my rescue!
      Hurry and help me!
   Don't let them cut my throat;
      don't let those mongrels devour me.
   If you don't show up soon,
      I'm done for—gored by the bulls,
      meat for the lions.

   22 -24 Here's the story I'll tell my friends when they come to worship,
      and punctuate it with Hallelujahs:
   Shout Hallelujah, you God-worshipers;
      give glory, you sons of Jacob;
      adore him, you daughters of Israel.
   He has never let you down,
      never looked the other way
      when you were being kicked around.
   He has never wandered off to do his own thing;
      he has been right there, listening.

   25 -26 Here in this great gathering for worship
      I have discovered this praise-life.
   And I'll do what I promised right here
      in front of the God-worshipers.
   Down-and-outers sit at God's table
      and eat their fill.
   Everyone on the hunt for God
      is here, praising him.
   "Live it up, from head to toe.
      Don't ever quit!"

   27 -28 From the four corners of the earth
      people are coming to their senses,
      are running back to God.
   Long-lost families
      are falling on their faces before him.
   God has taken charge;
      from now on he has the last word.

   29 All the power-mongers are before him
   All the poor and powerless, too
   Along with those who never got it together

   30 -31 Our children and their children
      will get in on this
   As the word is passed along
      from parent to child.
   Babies not yet conceived
      will hear the good news—
      that God does what he says.

Psalm 22  The Message

"From rage to rejoicing", he said.  My friend, mentor and colleague, Denny surprised me with a phone call today. It was one of those God-moments, when I heard from the person I really needed to, at the time I needed.  One year ago today, after having great trouble physically making it through worship, I drove home as the Sr. Interim Pastor, and I never drove back in that role again. It was a year ago today that I worked for the last time.

As Denny and I talked he mentioned the Psalms, and how remarkable it is to hear the Psalmist go from rage, through various emotions and then come out rejoicing. I immediately thought of Psalm 22, which starts out with "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me,' and ends with "I will tell of your greatness to  a people yet unborn.' What happened in between?  Remembrance of promises.

The psalmist remembered God's promises, and God's faithfulness in keeping promises.  When God promises, it is as good as done.  The word dabar in Hebrew translates as to both say and do.  And when used in describing God, it is understood that when God says something, God will do it. 

This past year has helped me to understand this Psalm so much more. There have been days (even VERY recently) when I have wondered, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?  Yes, times of chronic illness can feel completely "God-forsaken".  And yet through the support of family, friends, friends that are just like family, and many loving people, I have heard once again the promises:
 "I am with you always to the end of the age."
 "I am the bread of life"
 "I am the resurrection and the life"
 "In my father's house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you." 
  "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
  "I am the Good Shepherd. The good Shepherd lays his life down for the sheep." 

And there are so many more. Today, and this week, I will be reflecting on what this one-year anniversary means to me.  What it means for today is that God has been with me throughout the year-- from times of rage to times of joy and celebration and back and forth again.   God is present in our lives, no matter what we face.

Dearest Lord, as we come to terms with our illnesses,  give us the patience, wisdom and faith we need for this journey, no matter how long it takes or what we face.  Amen.

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