Chronic Hope

Why "chronic hope" ? The Free Merriam-Webster dictionary defines chronic as " marked by long duration or frequent recurrence". I named this blog Chronic Hope as it is my intention that this will be a place where hope, encouragement, compassion and understanding will be the heart of this site.

This is a place for people in all parts of the journey of life.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Choosing Beautiful

"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
   the moon and the stars that you have established;
 what are human beings that you are mindful of them,
that you care for them? " Psalm 8:3-4

As one of my children grumbled about homework, this, that and the other thing...the other was cheerful and loving life.  Not a surprising thing, and depending on the day, they can easily switch roles, but it got me thinking.  Same day, same experiences...different attitudes.

Being a parent has taught me so much about myself.  I could hear my own words in both the grumblings and the hopefulness of my children. Even this morning I have experienced both of those places in my own day...being content, and then being a grouch.  The day hasn't changed that much...but my mental approach has. 

It strikes me that some of the magnificence of God's work is the multi-faceted way God has given us to look at life.  We can see it as a burden or as beautiful.  We can choose to look for purpose in it, or we can decree that there is no purpose. 

The interesting thing about these choices is that if we open ourselves to seeking beauty and purpose, it will find us and we will see it.  If we close ourselves off from purpose and beauty in life, it will find us and we will miss it.  How often I've missed an incredible part of life because I'm ticked off and looking for things to prove I'm justified in being ticked off.  It is not the external circumstances that shape our is how we approach those circumstances that shapes us. 

I remember sitting with my best friend from seminary once while we were at a conference out of state.  One thing you need to know is that she utililzes a wheelchair, and has for decades due to something she was born with.  She has been someone who has taught me so much about attitude, and when I think of her, I don't think of the wheelchair at all...I think of her laugh, her intelligence, her playful/wild other words, I think of my friend, not the devices she uses to move or any "disability".  

We were sitting at lunch at this conference, and another woman joined us. She was in a wheelchair as well, but she complained about everything, and how unfair things were. (where was she when we went to park in the handicap space and it was full of mud and lumber??-  my friend and I laughed about THAT for years.  "Hey, it's a space for people needing help.  Let's fill it full of wood!! LOL)  Anyway, the woman was difficult to sit with, and we were both relieved when she left the table.  My friend then turned to me and quietly said "Now that's someone who's handicapped." 

I'd never heard her talk like this, so I asked what she meant.  She explained that throughout her life, she'd met people --in wheelchairs and out-- who were handicapped,not by physical means, but by attitude. 

Whether we are healthy or living with chronic illness we have a choice.  We can allow our circumstances to rule our feelings and our inner approach to life, or we can choose to face the external circumstances with an approach that is curious, encouraging, positive and sees the challenges as an opportunity.  This is not easy...if it were, everyone would do it.  However, by working on our inner attitude, we increase our resilience and we have a much greater chance to see the grace and beauty that surrounds us.  Today I choose to work on changing my mood this morning, I choose to not let a grey rainy day and some random comments from a friend  put me into an attitude where I'm looking for all that is bad.  Today I choose to look for the wonder and beauty that is unfolding around me.  What's your choice today?

Dear Lord, you have given us a world chock-full of the magnificence of your love.  Help us to see the beauty aound us. Amen.

1 comment:

R.K. Tran said...

As I am reading this Andrea, the morning rainshowers have ended and the sun is beginning to shine bright. I even hear some birds singing outside my window.
When I start the day off crabby, and the "why me" thoughts start to creep in, I remember that I can choose to stay in this frame of mind and let it snowball, or I can choose to stop, get quiet, thank God for his love and blessings, and turn what could have been a bad day into a positive one. Its not always easy, and sometimes I just cant muster it, but its comforting to know that I have that choice. That my circumstances do not in any way dictate my mental attitude. It seems to free me,on a certain level, from my illnesses.
So, in answer to your question, "What is your choice today?" answer is a resounding Yes! to looking for wonder and beauty in this day.