Chronic Hope

Why "chronic hope" ? The Free Merriam-Webster dictionary defines chronic as " marked by long duration or frequent recurrence". I named this blog Chronic Hope as it is my intention that this will be a place where hope, encouragement, compassion and understanding will be the heart of this site.

This is a place for people in all parts of the journey of life.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

Once Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, ‘The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; 21nor will they say, “Look, here it is!” or “There it is!” For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among* you.’” Luke 17:20-21  NRSV

This morning as I woke to a cold, grey spring morning, and my bones and muscles ached, the words of an unusual philosopher came to mind. This philosopher has short term memory loss, has the gift of speaking whale (although not everyone believes her), and has an abiding trust in the ocean that surrounds her.  Her words:

 “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming…”

The philosopher?  Dory, the Blue Tang Fish from the Disney Movie “Finding Nemo”.

Dory’s words, while making me laugh, also remind me of a deeper truth-  that we are supported and buoyed by a Grace that we often forget.  Mystics often describe God as the Ocean, the One whose current leads us and carries us even when we are not aware. 

Jesus’ words speak of the in-breaking of God’s kingdom right in our midst, and the parables point to God’s work among us. 

Like a fish in the water, we are not always aware of that which continues to make our hearts beat, or our brain synapses connect, or the air which oxygenates our blood. People surviving and thriving with chronic conditions, I think, have the gift of being very aware of systems that are extremely complex: of brain chemicals that are sensitive to changes, or psyches that process detailed memories and events, or immune systems that carry out systemic battle plans that would challenge any general, or autonomic nervous system reactions that happen for most people automatically, in the blink of an eye.  We have learned about these miraculous parts of the human body because, for us, things don’t work flawlessly. 

And yet, this morning, Jesus’ words, (and Dory’s words—as long as they are not in a whale dialect )  remind me that there is a great deal of love and support that still carries me in its current today. The Creator and Giver of life continues to sustain and buoy me. This is incredible in itself, but God is up to even more—working God's creative and redeeming work in and among us as well.  Even on this grey, achy day, this Ocean of Grace is working out a purpose and promise in and around my life… in other words – the kingdom of God is among us.

I may not “swim” easily today, but I am still alive and held in this Ocean of Grace.  Today I get to keep swimming…and that is a fabulous gift.

Incredible and fathomless God, like a fish in the ocean, I am most often forgetful of your continuing, loving presence and work that surrounds me.  Today, help me keep ‘swimming’ in your care. Amen.

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