Chronic Hope

Why "chronic hope" ? The Free Merriam-Webster dictionary defines chronic as " marked by long duration or frequent recurrence". I named this blog Chronic Hope as it is my intention that this will be a place where hope, encouragement, compassion and understanding will be the heart of this site.

This is a place for people in all parts of the journey of life.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Valleys and Plains

Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves.
 As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus ordered them, ‘Tell no one about the vision until after the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.’
                                                Matthew 17: 1 and 9 NRSV

Yesterday, in many congregations, the Transfiguration was observed. It is a time to reflect upon Jesus glory, and the revealing of the fullness of who Jesus is.    I have always been fascinated with the first and last verses of the story. They are simple, plain, ‘traveling’ verses. Jesus took them up the mountain.  They came down the mountain.

I think it is natural in life and in our faith to want to be ‘on the mountain top’.  But as we look at Jesus, most of his ministry took place off the mountain, in the valleys and plains.  I find the verses above very comforting, especially lately, as I find that I’m NOT living on the mountain top. 

Many days can seem like valleys, or at best, the trudging along the flatlands looking for a high point.  From outside eyes, this journey could seem very boring, or dreary, but I believe it requires just as much courage to travel the valleys and plains as it does the mountains…perhaps even more.

I find these verses comforting because Jesus intentionally came off the mountain to heal and teach and be with the people in the valleys and plains of life.  It is a reminder that this amazing and incredible son of God has come to be ‘God with us’—Immanuel… and to be with us right where we are.  God’s transforming love doesn’t require us to climb the mountain to be touched by Grace…doesn’t require us to be mentally whole to be embraced by God’s love…doesn’t demand that we be healthy to be comforted and transformed by God’s loving touch.  No, these verses remind us that God’s love came to us in Jesus – right where we lived, and God’s love continues to reach out and come to us—right where we live… in the valleys, and plains and yes, sometimes even the mountains of life.

Where are you today?  Look around you and reach out in prayer.  Jesus is not far away… not far away at all.

Dear Lord, we are overwhelmed and grateful that you are not a God of only ‘mountaintop experiences’ but that you choose to be with us when we walk through the plains and the valleys…even the valley of the shadow of death.  Comfort, encourage and embrace all those who reach out to you today. Comfort, encourage and embrace us today, right where we are.  Amen.

1 comment:

Pastor Terry Parker said...

"it requires just as much courage to travel the valleys and plains as it does the mountains…perhaps even more."
"God’s transforming love doesn’t require us to climb the mountain to be touched by Grace…doesn’t require us to be mentally whole to be embraced by God’s love…doesn’t demand that we be healthy to be comforted and transformed by God’s loving touch. No, these verses remind us that God’s love came to us in Jesus "

My dear sister Andrea:
At the very least your journey has given you a keener sense of the heart of the Gospel, and a drive to share it with others through this forum. Thanks for how you bless us this was.

